Wyndham House Butcher

Nestled in the heart of Chelsea, Wyndham Butchers holds a special place in the carnivorous hearts of locals and meat enthusiasts alike. From its humble beginnings in Borough Market, this gem has blossomed into a meat-lover’s paradise, drawing in crowds with its tantalizing array of beef, lamb, poultry, and game. It’s a spectacle of carnivorous delights, with stacks upon stacks of succulent goodness adorning its shelves. But what truly sets Wyndham Butchers apart is its staff – a team of meat maestros who are not only experts in the art of butchery but also seasoned pros in the kitchen. Have a burning question about the perfect way to cook that ribeye? Don’t hesitate to ask! These folks are more than happy to share their culinary wisdom. And for those whose dedication to avoiding the kitchen is unwavering, fear not! Wyndham Butchers has got you covered with an impressive selection of pre-prepared dishes that’ll have you licking your lips in anticipation. So whether you’re a seasoned chef or a kitchen novice, Wyndham Butchers is your go-to destination for meaty delights that are sure to satisfy even the most discerning palate. 339 Fulham Road 0207 352 7888 www.wyndham-house.com